If you have underused or empty sports club sites and would like them re-invigorated in terms of participation, footfall, revenue and linking in with the new DCMS sports and physical activity strategy, then please contact us. As well as bringing investment, we also bring jobs.
A 6,000sq.m Healthtrack facility will employ 95 people by the end of year 2. We are looking for sites, such as:
1. Local authority - leisure sites being closed or moth balled.
2. Development sites – we offer planning gain to many developers due to our multi sport brand and inclusive price range.
3. Innovation sites – Schools with space who want to get their pupils more active within a changing curriculum.
4. Retail sites - where we can put 4G pitches on the roof.
5. Sport sites - Golf driving ranges and surplus or redundant sports grounds;
6. Business - Redevelopment of corporate sports grounds.
7. Retail - Redundant supermarkets
8. Professional sports club - Stadiums looking to enter multi sport business models
9. Education - Private schools or Academies with land
Potential sites must meet specific property and area criteria. These are as follows;
1.Minimum site area - 2 to 3 acres depending on a one or two floor club.
2.Building size - 6,000 sq m on one or two floors
3. Car parking - 200 to 330 cars
4.Population - at least 125,000 within 20 minutes drive of the club.
5.Land - Freehold, leasehold and redevelopment opportunities considered.